Friday, August 28, 2009

What the name for the flower/plant also known as "bride's bouquet"?

I've been reading LM Montgomery, where she refers to a garden flower (or possibly flowering shrub) as "bride's bouquet".

I can't find it on the Internet ... does anyone know what plant she means?

The novel was published during the 1930s.

Porana paniculata (Bridal Bouquet, Christ Vine, Snow Creeper, Snow-in-the-Jungle, White Corallita): Liane to 9m. Lvs cordate, to 15 cm, slender-acuminate, white-pubesc. beneath. Pan. large, pendulous; flowers to 8mm, white, tubular-campanulate. Summer. N India, Upper Burm.

Porana: In the Convolvulaceae family. 20 slender, twining herbs or shrubs. Flowers small, in term. pan. or cymes or solitary, 1 or more sep. enlarged; tubular-campanulate to funnelform, lobes broad, spreading, plicate. Trop. Asia, Aus. Z10.

Sorry for the scientific description it came out of my botanical book! Here's a link for a picture, scroll down to Convolvulaceae and find Porana:

Hope this helps! (P.S. I've read the "Anne" and "Emily" books!) :)

I will agree with Baby's Breath. You can grow it from seed.

My guess is that it is some kind of spiraea. Bridal Wreath.

Try Pavetta lanceolata called the Brides Bush here in RSA .. Hope this helps.

small and different clumps of roses.

I know 'baby's breath' is always in bouquets. it's small white flowers. maybe that's it. does it describe the flower at all?

Crassula hybrid 'Bride Bouquet' 'Polly's Pink' 'Spring Time' is part of this complex.

'Brides Bouquet' will have a rough sandpaper keel. (the underside of the leaf) and I believe Crassula rupestris is one of the parents, no parents named it is a Dick Wright hybrid.

All three came from the same heritage, and there is a slight difference.


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