Friday, August 28, 2009

Are there any mail order bride services where I can just pick a woman out of a catalog and she's mine?

I used to have high hopes for mail order bride services. I thought that they were for guys who didn't have a whole lot to offer a woman, and there were foreign women who were really desperate, so a guy like me could just pick one out of a catalog and they fly her out to me. Are there any services like that? Legit ones? Helpful answers only please.

google it

These services are much improved from just picking out of a catalog, they include hosted 'trips' with other potential husbands to the foreign countries to view those women looking to become brides. These brides of course are not 'free for the choosing' and run from non-english speaking to college educated and speaking multiple languages. The tour I saw highlighted recently that did a 'tour' to Russia had prices ranging from $50,000 - $100,000.

Women who seek out these companies to be a 'mail order' bridge are being told this a way to get out of their poor economic condition in their country and go to America. They also know how long they must be 'married' before their green card becomes citizenship in the United States. Their motivation is money and wealthy lifestyle these men can offer.

I hope you aren't really serious, because remember you have to live with this woman later. Also, if you have a criminal record or four ex-wives the girl will know, because the agencies actually are required by Federal Law to report to the girls if you have a history of: "Domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse and neglect, dating violence, elder abuse, and stalking. • Homicide, murder, manslaughter, rape, abusive sexual contact, sexual exploitation, incest, torture, trafficking, peonage, holding hostage, involuntary servitude, slave trade, kidnapping, abduction, unlawful criminal restraint, false imprisonment, or an attempt to commit any of these crimes. • Crimes relating to a controlled substance or alcohol where the petitioner has been convicted on at least three occasions and where such crimes did not arise from a single act." Well, I think you get the idea.

Anyhow, what you are talking about is slavery more or less. Really what you are buying from a mail order bride agency is an introduction. If you are a real loser you will probably be out of luck.

I gave it a serious shot.

A woman, even a "mail order" bride is not a comodity that you pick from a catalog like you would a refrigerator or something. She will not be "yours" if you did pick her, she would still be a person with rights. I think you are in the wrong century and are looking for a slave with out the muss and fuss of the slave market. If there are any such services as you are searching for, they should be shut down ASAP if not sooner

Ok you cant seriously think your going to get serous answers on this topic do you?You cant buy people its called slavery and if sex in involved its prostitution.

Why not try getting a personality and talking to women like yo care what they think and feel and may be just may be yours seriously dysfunctional A$$ could get a real wife.

LOL...u made me laugh..try a dating service, and also look online there are tons of resources...and ask some of the foreigners who are familiar with arrange marriages and google key words like arranged marriages, mail order, arranged dating..just get creative...i just hope you find one that makes you happy~~not a Maid!!

There are lots of women in Russia who want to get out of poverty by marrying to foreigners.

However, beware of scam. Check the match making agency before you pay for the service.

Only in the movies.

Your that desperate huh?

If movies don't work, I suggest fairy tales.

Dude, seriously?

Why do you NEED a bride, mail-order or otherwise? Learn to have a great life on your own. You don't need another person tethered to you in order to validate you existance.

There are plenty of places to meet women, if you want to. And if you are crazy enough to want to get married, there are plenty of women desperate to do that as well. But consider the price you pay when you do that!

Celebrate your life and freedom!


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