Monday, August 17, 2009

If I am throwing a bridal shower do I also have to get the bride a present?

I consider the shower my present but was wondering if that is still the case. The bridal party all knows I am spending a good amount of money on the shower (2 of us are paying for it) and they keep asking me if I want to go in on a present for the bride. I feel kind of guilty but am spending enough money already. Please also note I am throwing the bachelorette party and am taking care of all the expense of the bride for the night.

It is not necessary if you are the hostess. However, just put yourself into the shower and make sure you will feel alright when the bride is opening gifts from all the guests. Will you feel uncomfortable that she doesn't have a gift from you? If you will be okay with it, then don't worry about it.

As a future bride, all I can think about is not wanting to put my family and friends out too much so I think throwing a bridal shower without reservations is not only a great friend thing to do but also a great present.

If you feel like it's not enough, get an inexpensive scrapbook and ask someone (if you don't) to bring a digital camera to the party. With some magazine/newspaper cutouts and some pics and you can even ask her mom for someone old pictures from parties she's had when she was growing up, she'll be happy to have the memories in one place.

I feel that a gift is appropriate even though you are throwing the shower. It can be very inexpensive, like a framed shower invitation which would be under 10 dollars.

The other bridesmaid bought a recipe book and is copying her favorite recipes into it as the gift, also under 10 dollars.

You could embroider an ornament with their names and date on it for a keepsake xmas ornament

my sister is getting a centerpiece from the shower and a framed invite from me, I did get her a tupperware bowl too.

Its all about how your money is flowing. Personally the gift to the bride is this: Bridal Shower / Bacherlorettle Party / If you in the wedding I am sure you had to pay for a dress, shoes, etc.

I think the party is the gift. I wouldn't worry about the others. That is an awesome gift! I would make sure that when they ask, I would tell them that too! :)


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