Saturday, August 22, 2009

Is this a civilised World or an ancient tribe world with such unbelieveable experiences of a young bride ?

In news and a most popular one of a bride tortured, rape and house arrest in a palace of a prince. Is it a fairy tale?

i had a much longer answer and it was cut off ( hmn how convenient )

i mentioned how i did not like being brainwashed like the rest of Australia about out neighbouring Asian Countries.

People begging in the street are a Countries own internal problems

The same men abusing women and treating them second class

The same treating their own relatives and others whom are a little

unstable and putting handcuffs on them on to concrete pillars, is also

a country like Indonesia ... something they must do about it.

I and many other Australians are sick of seeing our Country handing

tax payers money which we need to build a better Australia spent on

others problems , especially in Countries who have no respect for Women in their population.

You may teach someone to speak English, but Malaysia has a long

way to go as do other Countries like this.

What i really am concerned that girls that are pretty can be taken in

by Even a Prince .... as long as it is in any of these Countries these

girls should beware ! There was an Australian women in the 70's i remeber and again a Prince from one of these Countries came and took her children back to his Country , she did not get to see them again until they were teenagers ! Only barbaric people behave this way.

This may have been a long while ago, but you know many

others like me will say, long gone, ..... but NOT forgotten.


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