Monday, August 24, 2009

Is the lingerie shower's theme to be kept a secret from the bride?

I'm a little confused. I have several ideas for the shower, and I was just about to email the bride some pictures I've found on the internet of super cute ideas when I wondered if she is supposed to see the ideas or not. Let me know! Thanks!

I have never heard of the theme being a secret from the bride. That must be a regional thing.

Ask the hostess, some are a secret, some are not. Personally, if someone was going to throw me a lingerie shower I'd probably prefer not knowing about in advance, so that I didn't have a chance to freak out. As nice as it is to have warning, I don't think there's any way to prepare myself for that.

While it's a party in her honour you may want to let her in on the surprise to avoid any unwanted tension. Also, if guests are expected to buy for her you'll need her permission to know sizes, colours, etc.

Good luck!

No that should not be a secret. Me and my friends do that all the time.


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