Tuesday, September 1, 2009

You know that movie bride and prejudice? did they kinda get the name from pride and predjudice?

i like that movie. but what do you think is better bride and predjudice or pride and predjudice?

In a word, yes. I haven't seen the movie, but "Pride and Prejudice" is the original.

the movie was BASED on Jane Austen's novel "Pride & Prejudice", bollywood version...obviously Pride & Prejudice is way better!!!

The film is based on the novel of Jane Austen and she intended the reader to understand that it was concerned with the pride of Mr Darcy and the prejudice of Elizabeth Bennett, although in fact many other characters show measures of both qualities. The original title was "First Impressions" and at the beginning of the movie you may have noticed the heroine reading a novel of that title.

You may like this link, which suggests that the title is something which can make or break a book (it is, of course, very tongue in cheek). http://books.guardian.co.uk/news/articles/0,,2129738,00.html

From what I've heard, B&P was a modern and (forgive me) corrupted version of the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. The movie P&P wasn't absolutely great, but much more faithful to the book.

B&P may be a good movie, but Austenites would likely be outraged.:-)

Yeah, they "kinda did."

The film is a transformation or appropriation of Pride and Prejudice. You will notice that the Bollywood version has essentially the same storyline, characters, themes etc, it has been transformed or updated to a new context. In this example, jane austen's 19th century england has become india in the 21st century.

Have you seen or read Bridget Jones's Diary? This is also an appropriation of Pride and Prejudice. Similar storyline, similar characters and themes, just updated to a modern context.

I think that both texts, or all 3 for that matter, are equally as good as each other. Watching the two movies can make you read the original text in a new way and see things you never saw before. Transforming and appropriating texts is a great way to update an already fantastic story.


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