Sunday, September 6, 2009

What to do for a mail order bride who needs help~?

Hi, I have a friend who is a mail-order bride. This is a very serious situation. She's been trapped by an abusive husband and she now has her son trapped as well. She's a very dear woman to me, much like a sister. She's scared of being sent back to China. Any help advice would be appreciated!

This is a serious issue that sadly, I know just a little about. Abuse of mail-order brides is common. If I knew where you and your friend lived- the cite, more or less, I could try to find some resources for you. I'd start by looking at shelters for victims of domestic violence. Also, the US Department of Justic follows trafficking in women very closely. They have a toll-free number you could call to try to find resources in your area. The number is: 1-888-428-7581, from

Best of luck- please be careful- her husband may become violent and you also need to stay safe.

she has to get out of there....before her or her son ends up dead..... wouldn't it be better to be sent back to China than dead?

hopefully though she will be able to stay.... how long have they been married? i think if they have been married over a certain period of time that she can get her citzenship....

no offense--mail order bride?? what did she expect from him. no american woman was stupid enough to get in the sack with him...why would she want to???

she should go to a womans refuge no woman (order bride or not) deserves to be treated like her escape, take her to the police...get her and her son protected...(like there wherabouts and stuff...) if the guy has any idea u helped you'll also have to be willing to be protected aswell...most importantly...tell her to put her son mum was with a pedophile for bout 5 yrs...she refused to leave and its seriously messed me make sure her son is put first...they hav programs all over the world for things like this...i dunno where you are, but here in the uk theres alot of womens refuges and domestic violence help places...esp for those more vulnerable like your friend...look into it...but hurry up...before its to late.

good luck!

If she is victim of domestic violence, she may be able to self-petition for a green card. She needs to contact an immigration lawyer. In the meantime, she should move out of her home and file a police report to document all of her injuries, etc. There are a lot of support groups and women's shelters, so try the phone book or even social services. If she goes straight to the hospital the next time he attacks her, the hospital staff will be required to call police and social services, and they will help her.

turn her into a lesbian and get her for yourself


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