Friday, December 10, 2010

Top Seven Things Every Bride Needs in Her Survival Kit

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Trying to get married without a survival kit is like trying to get married without a wedding dress. A wedding day survival kit is key to ensuring that things go smoothly without having to send someone out last minute to buy a last minute fix-it. Usually it is the maid of honor's duty to have a wedding day survival kit on hand, but if you have a younger maid of honor or someone who isn't very easy to rely on, it may be smart to just bring your own. Here is a list of the top seven things that will make any survival kit one worth having on hand.

1. Sewing Kit. A miniature sewing kit is inexpensive and can be a real life saver when it comes to fixing a hem or the beading on a gown. If your gown is white, be sure to purchase a sewing kit that has several shades of white to help you pick the one that will blend well with your gown.

2. Self-adhesive Velcro. No one knows how handy Velcro can be until the zipper accidentally comes out of a bridesmaid's dress or the top of your gown refuses to lie nicely against your bridal undergarments. Self-adhesive Velcro is easy to remove and is great for a last minute fix.

3. Safety pins. Safety pins are another item that is perfect for that last minute fix, especially if you don't have time to utilize your sewing kit. They can also act as buttons if a button mysteriously goes missing! Safety pins are definitely useful when it comes to creative fix-its.

4. Dental floss. Nothing is more embarrassing for a bride then having stuff in her teeth! Well, since no one expects you to starve yourself, the best way to ensure gunk-free teeth is to have some dental floss on hand.

5. Breath mints. Stress and nerves can cause not only a bad case of dry mouth, but also bad breath. It's always good to have some breath mints on hand to help curb dry mouth and bad breath, but to also help you feel more glamorous on your big day.

6. Hairspray. Not just any hairspray, aerosol hairspray! Aerosol hairspray is not just great for fixing those little fly-aways right before you head down the aisle, but it can also be used to curb static underneath gowns and to keep your veil from sticking to your dress. Just spray a little on the underside of your veil or on your legs and Voila! No more static!

7. Bobby pins. Another great little hair fix-it for you and your bridesmaids are bobby pins. It always good ideas to have a few extra on hand to secure those fly-aways and stray curls that don't want to stay in place.

Remember a survival kit is about what you as the bride thinks you will need on your big day, so whether you use all of these things, some of these things, or completely make up your own survival kit, the trick is to get together whatever you think you will need in an emergency. You can pack your survival kit in a spare make-up bag or just in a plastic zipper bag, however you think it will be the easiest to transport it. No matter what you do, the trick is to be prepared, so that your wedding day will continue to go off without a hitch.

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