Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Friend of the Bride Wedding Speech

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A wedding is a ceremony where a man and a woman come together to exchange wedding vows. Some guests are asked to give wedding speeches. One of them could be a friend of the bride wedding speech. This is normally the best friend of the bride. The friend of the bride usually gives a short wedding speech at the wedding and is mainly about the bride. This is to provide information about her to the guests.

The friend of the bride wedding speech can be in two forms. She can do this by writing the information on cue cards and referring to them as she talks or she can decide to speak from her memories of the bride. People listening to wedding ceremony speeches expect only the best man to be humorous, but the friend of the bride can decide to use comedy in her friend of the bride wedding speech as well. This is especially useful if the friend of the bride has been friends with the bride from childhood.

There are useful tips on helping one write their friend of the bride wedding speech. One is formulating a plan. This helps analyzing and outlining the point that will comprise the speech. In addition, decisions on whether the speech should be humorous or serious can be decided. Secondly, a short wedding speech should have a story line that flows. This will help in sentence flow and will act as a guide in connecting ideas from the beginning to the end. A wedding ceremony speech should start by welcoming the guests. The main part of the friend of the bride wedding speech should be about the bride. The conclusion should comprise of a vote of thanks and encouragements. One should carry out research on what to talk about. It is wise to avoid long speeches. Short wedding speeches are ideal, because they prevent guests from getting bored. These speeches usually last not more than ten minutes.

One of the ways a person can start the friend of the bride wedding speech is to tell the guests how they met with the bride. The friend of the bride can also talk about the groom. When talking about the groom, however, is advisable to be discreet and non-judgmental. The friend of the bride wedding speech should mainly be about the bride. However, if the friend of the bride is married she can give advice on marriage. She may include poetry as part of the speech or quote a love quote.

An example of a friend of the bride wedding speech could be like the following extract:

... "when Julie told me she had found someone to get married to, I thought I had lost a very good friend. I also felt jealous because Mike had got my best friend to settle down. We always competed regarding who would get married first. Clearly, I have lost that battle. In all the years we've been friends, Julie has never looked so happy. Congratulations to both you and Mike. May your lives be filled with joy and happiness."

When the friend of the bride finds it difficult to write a speech, she may use wedding sample to help her create a presentable friend of the bride wedding speech. This speech should be both entertaining as well as advisory.

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