Saturday, December 5, 2009

Father of Bride Wedding Speech - 3 Tips For the Proud Father

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So that all important day is approaching, and your little girl is about to turn into a married woman. You're all very busy with the wedding arrangements, and time is really flying. But you must not forget one thing - your father of bride wedding speech is a very important part of the wedding. After all, it's your daughter you are giving away, and you speech must be witty, funny, well prepared, and memorable. Another greatly important aspect of your toast is that you must be politically correct and not insult anyone. A truly diplomatic errant. And how are you supposed to get that speech done in time with all that other stuff you need to take care of?

As a father who has been there, I thought I'll give you a few tips to get it done correctly and without mistakes:

1. Use existing samples. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. There are plenty of sample bride's father speeches to be found on the internet that you can model after. Just look at a few, copy the parts you like and adjust the m to your needs. It's simple enough.

2. Walk around with a little notepad. While you are getting things done for the reception, the wedding ceremony and so no, you will suddenly have ideas to include in your speech. These also might be memories from you daughter's past and childhood. Write that sown in your notebook and use it later in your speech.

3. Test your ideas. read your ideas and parts of your speech you are not sure of to your wife, other children and relatives so that you will get a feedback on them. You want to learn what works and what doesn't early on, so you ca keep the good parts and get rid of the bad ones.

So here you are, get started on your speech, and don't postpone it till the last minute! The sooner you start working on it the better the result will be!

Next, Find out more about how to write and deliver the greatest, funniest and most original Father Of Bride Wedding Speech that will be memorable for years!


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