Sunday, August 8, 2010

Chubby Susie Dreamed of Losing Weight For Her Wedding

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When Susie was growing up, she was what one called a chubby child. And as she grew, Susie was never able to shed those pounds and became a chubby woman. But now Susie is getting married and she desperately wants to lose weight for her wedding.

There are three phases she must go through in order to be successful with her wedding weight loss.

These are desire, education and action.

Why desire? Because if Susie doesn't want it bad enough, she won't be successful, plain and simple. And I don't mean just wanting it because it will make her look good either. I mean the kind of wanting Susie has to commit herself body and soul to making it happen.

However, before Susie can make it happen, she needs to educate herself as to what the market place has to offer. The weight loss industry is filled with thousands of products that can boggle the mind and a lot of these products can actually do more harm than good.

Sure, Susie wants to lose weight quickly and that's why education is a crucial 2nd step if she is to succeed in losing weight for her wedding and beyond.

Susie will have to learn that magic pills don't work. Sure they sound great, and there is weight loss but if the underlying cause of the weight gain is not addressed success will turn into failure.

Studies have shown that our body works hard at protecting us from harm. It does this by insulating the toxins we are exposed to with fat.

So, fat cells surround the toxins and if toxins aren't eliminated, then neither is the fat. How many diets have you tried only to end up gaining more weight after the initial program you followed was over?

That's why it is so important to eliminate the toxins within the body. There are certain cleansing programs that allow you eliminate toxins while building muscle without going crazy exercising every day like a madman. And these programs work safely and quickly and offer you the option of maintaining your achieved weight loss goals until you die.

The third phase of Susie's successful wedding weight loss plan is to take action. If she doesn't start, she will never finish. That goes for you too.

As Susie puts desire and education behind action, she will be ensured that losing weight for her wedding will happen and she can proudly walk down the isle forever saying goodbye to that chubby child who grew into a chubby woman.

Get your free ebooks on losing weight for your wedding by stopping by Marie Leonard's site where you can find out all about safe and quick wedding weight loss and what it can do for you.


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