Personalized Photo Calendars are always nice I had a friend take a photograph and have it printed on a tile, she bought a beautiful plate holder and gave it as a gift (She got them through Yahoo. Go to Yahoo Photos, Prints & Gifts, click on specialty.) Other types of gifts can be a gift certificate for a day spa, movie or play, etc. Think about your parents interests and come up with something really special as a treat.
Good luck!
I made come copies of each of photos of us as a child, put it in a nice frame, and said, "always your little boy/girl/cowboy/princess/etc"
Honestly, something that is sentimental and NOT expensive will more to them then something extremely expensive.
Give them something sentimental. For example, my dad caries a picture in his wallet of me when I was little holding a white lace parasol. I 'borrowed' it, had it restored and enlarged to a 5x7, and had it double-framed with a picture of me in my wedding dress holding a white lace parasol. He cried. Just find something that was a special memory between you and your folks, and find a way to incorporate it in the gift.
Give them something special. I know that my mother gave her mother-in-law a gold rose. U need to give something that is not expected. Showing gratitude always goes over well with the in-laws. Best of luck.
Something involving photos--whether it's a professionally put-together album or simply one you put together yourself--or a nice photo of you in a great silver frame--is appropriate.
Another idea: Send them away! Seriously, paying for a wedding is stressful, and it's a very generous thing to do, even if they are your parents. Give them some Marriott gift cards (sold at giant gift card displays and at so that they can get away on their own "second honeymoon" and enjoy some relaxation after the hoopla of throwing your wedding. There are Marriotts everywhere, and they can choose one nearby that they don't have to fly to--just for a weekend escape.
Always include a heartfelt card expressing your appreciation--this is the most important part of the gift!
some nices things
A night out - a gift certificate for a restaurant they like with movie tickets to the closest theater by the restaurant. A nice bottle of wine or champagne with a gift certificate for a massage or beauty salon for the ladies, golf or handball for the men.
Any gift certificate for what they each enjoy with a nice bottle of wine for them to sit and relax with while they remeber the wedding is always nice. It is okay for you to send the women one type and the men another if they don't have common interests. And don't forget to send a postcard while you are on the honeymoon!
dude,ur kidding?we were supposed to get our parents a gift????darn,never thought of it!!!!!how about a gift certificate for dinner out at their favorite restaurant,or a fancy restaurant u choose for them?(maybe we better get one for our parents,too-better late than never!)
Here are a few ideas...
• You can't go wrong with sending your parents on a trip like at their favorite beach resort, or even a weekend at a bed and breakfast. There are many travel websites that offer great deals on all types of travel, or check with a local travel agent.
• If Dad is into golf, buy him a round or two at his favorite golf course. Or, get him those new golf clubs he has had his eye on for awhile.
• A spa day is a nice way to say thank you. This can be combined with Dad's round of golf for Mom, or you could get them a couple’s massage.
• Many couples give a wedding album as a wedding gift for parents. Choose photos that you think they would like, and put them in a nice album.
• Jewelry is a wedding gift for parents that is usually well received. A necklace or earrings for Mom, and a watch or cuff links for Dad will be something that they can wear long after the wedding.
• If your parents are into collectables like art, sports memorabilia or antiques, consider giving them an item to add to their collection.
• There are several sentimental gifts that you could give your parents. A poem that you write mounted with your childhood photos is sure to bring a tear to their eye. There are a few things that can be personalized with your heart-felt message like hankerchiefs and plaques.
• If Dad is a cigar smoker, a nice box of premium cigars with a bottle of his favorite Scotch would be a great gift. Wine can also be a great gift for both parents.
• A day of shopping for Mom can be fun for both of you. Take her to her favorite shopping places, and finish the day with lunch or dinner.
• If Dad is the practical type, consider giving him a tool for his workshop or shed. While it may seem boring to you, many Dad's would be thrilled to receive this type of gift.
I gave my mom an album after the wedding of photos she picked out. I however paid for my own wedding.
I did not even know about parents getting gifts until our daughter and son-in-law gave my husband and myself a digital camera. They gave his parents something, but I can't even remember what during the rehearsal dinner. What ever you choose, a picture, a poem, a letter or something else, they will be overjoyed at the thought of your appreciation. I know we were. That's really sweet and considerate of you to think of them during your big celebration. Good luck to you.
I am not familiar with that practice. I think a nice letter thanking them would be enough. However if you want to do something more special, why not invite them out for dessert after the rehearsal dinner. You can tell them in person or give them a letter telling them how much you appreciate them. Write about what all they have given you in your life and give specific examples of memories you have that have meant a lot to you. You could just each write one to your own parents or write one to your own parents and then write one to the in-laws thanking them for sharing their son with you. Tell them some of the things you think are special about him and his family. Thank them for raising someone so special. I think that would be a much greater gift than any material thing.
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