This polygamy sounds seriously like a gay marriage between Jesus Christ and Christian men.
Can any Christians explain this verse?
The bride of Christ is the 144,000 mentioned three times in Revelation. They are spirit anointed by God, chosen by God to serve in heaven as associate kings with Christ Jesus and rule over the earth during Christ's thousand year reign. They come from every nation, people, and tongue and are made up of both men and women. They will be as angels having no gender and are given immortality by God.
There is not a single reference to any individual person being the bride of Christ. The Bible does however makes comparisons in the union that exist being Christ and the institution know as the church in which it draws different analogues from the marriage union. The institution of the church is referred to as the "bride of Christ". But there is no verse that speaks of individual people (male or female) as being the bride of Christ.
So unless "gay marriage" means that you have the right to marry an institution, there is no comparison between gay marriage and the church being the bride of Christ.
It's symbolic. In multiple verses the way a man should treat and love his wife is laid out. This is meant to be an image of how Christ loves us. He is our protector (just as we are to our wives) and provider. The idea that we are the bride of christ shows that we are to Christ, in terms of love, respect, and basic standing, just as our wives are too us.
I don't know if that makes a whole lot of sense but it's the best i can do
That was a nice attempt by the way; I have never at all heard that argument before....
well, as per the christians they say they do not need their mates anymore when they get to heaven and God will give them all the joy they need.
that is true....The way they teach it is really gay, as God is jealous of their marriage and he is all there is in heaven.
BUT the truth be told no one marries in heaven because they give themselves to the lust of the flesh and the beast of it. They do not find the way of heaven. The way christians teach me,that I do not need my wife in heaven because God is our groom and we are his bride is very gay to me. BUT THAT COMES FROM THE CHRISTIAN MOUTH.
oh to answer you, he means he will be your provider.
As Jesus once said " “You know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God.†(Matthew 22:29)
The first members of Jesus’ congregation were presented to him by “the friend of the bridegroom,†John the Baptizer, whom Jehovah had sent ahead of his Son. (Joh 3:28, 29) This congregational bride is “one spirit†with Christ, as his body. (1Co 6:17; Eph 1:22, 23; 5:22, 23) Just as the bride in Israel bathed and adorned herself, Jesus Christ sees that in preparation for marriage his bride is bathed so that she is perfectly clean without a spot or blemish. (Eph 5:25-27) In Psalm 45 and Revelation 21 she is shown as being beautifully adorned for the marriage.
Also in the book of Revelation, Jehovah foretells the time when his Son’s marriage would draw near and the bride would be prepared, arrayed in bright, clean, fine linen. He describes those invited to the evening meal of the Lamb’s marriage as being happy. (Re 19:7-9; 21:2, 9-21) On the night before his death, Jesus instituted the Lord’s Evening Meal, the Memorial of his death, and instructed his disciples to keep observing it. (Lu 22:19) This observance is to be kept “until he arrives.†(1Co 11:26) Just as in ancient times the bridegroom arrived at the house of the bride in order to take her from her own parents to the home he had provided for her in the house of his father, so Jesus Christ comes to take his anointed followers from their former earthly home, taking them with him so that where he is they may be also, in his Father’s house, in heaven.â€"Joh 14:1-3.
I am a Christian and NOT part of the Bride of the Christ.
Thank you Very Much.
Perhaps when Christians reach Heaven, they will have no gender. Perhaps gender isn't what spiritual identity is based on.
Or, like the first poster said, perhaps it's just a freakin' analogy.
Actually, it's the CHURCH that's supposed to be the bride of Christ. And as others have said, it's a metaphor.
Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Bless the Lord!
And Just Where Did You Get That Crap Sandwich Of An Idea? The Church/Bride which Christ is coming back to get is made up of both men and women. There is nothing homosexual about it whatsoever!
The Church is the bride, not Christian men per se.
The Bride of Christ is the nation Israel. Always has been, always will be.
in effect yes. its called a parable or an analogy...
Yep -- so bend over.
God is fake!
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