Is there any history behind that tradition?
I think these days it is an indication that the ceremony is almost over and everyone want to see the happy couple kiss! It is like shaking hands, sealing the deal (though legally that the signing part) maybe it originated from back in the day when the guests would stay around to make sure the marriage was consummated - they would stand around the bed and watch.
Not the woodcut i remember but you get the idea.
my priest didn't say that. the mc at our reception made sure we kissed in front of everyone, though.
The kiss seals the deal.
The kiss that seals the wedding is much more than a sign of affection. It has long been a token of bonding - the exchange of spirits as each partner sends a part of the self into the new spouse's soul, there to abide ever after.
All good answers/factoids ^ ^ ^
I think the tradition started Waaay back, when young women who werent married simply WERE NOT KISSED (not in public, at any rate...!) and the groom was waiting for the moment to kiss his beloved. It was a public demonstration of the marital bond.
i dnt no the history behind that but i know that the reason theres bride maids and groom men its because they are auppose to confuse the spirits so they cant find the couple and ruin the relationship lol
I'm not sure about that one, however want to know why the bride carries flowers???
Cause back in the day, they didn't shower but one a month! Hence the sweet smelling flowers :P
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