Friday, August 14, 2009

Are church leaders in California now required to make sure the bride and groom are definitely male and female?

Maybe all weddings in California will have a new ceremony conducted by the priest/pastor/bishop etc where he takes the bride and groom into a room on the wedding day and they are required to physically show their genitalia to the wedding conductor so that it’s beyond doubt that they are a male and a female, then the conductor comes out and announces, “I can safely assure everyone in this room that the groom is a male and the bride is a female,” sounds romantic, huh?

birth certificates are required when getting a marriage license. what ever their doctor declared them at birth will pretty much take care of any questions...

Anyone can have any religious ceremony they want, it's the state granted marriage license that they can't get unless they're hetero.

Who cares?

Most likely it would just be grounds for annulment, as it always has been.

There are days when I like you.

That's a great idea. Put it on the ballot and vote for it.


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